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Biography (只提供英文版)

  • Make significant contributions to numerical analysis and scientific computing, in particular to numerical investigations of nonlinear partial differential equations in phase-field simulations
  • Design and analyze semi-implicit unconditionally energy stable numerical methods for solving phase field models, on which he has introduced an efficient adaptive time stepping methods
  • Managing Editor for Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
  • Associate Editor of International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling
  • RFS project — to focus on the L-infinity stability analysis on exponential time differencing (ETD) numerical methods for a class of phase field models with high-order dissipation, such as the phase field crystal equation and thin film epitaxial growth models
  • Awards and Honours:
    • RGC Research Fellow (2020)
    • Hong Kong Mathematical Society Award for Young Scholars (2018)
    • RGC Early Career Award (2013)

Project Title (只提供英文版)

  • L-infinity Stability of Exponential Time Differencing Numerical Schemes for Phase Field Models with High-order Dissipations