Biography (只提供英文版)
- Wei Lun Professor of Geography and Resource Management at The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Research focuses on geospatial data science, with notable achievements developing spatiotemporal models to facilitate relating human activities to the built and natural environments such that optimal spatial plans can be devised to promote sustainability despite climate change challenges
- SRFS project — to develop evidence-based spatial pathways towards carbon neutrality in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, findings of which will contribute to the enhancement of spatial plans for carbon neutrality in other cities and regions
- Awards and Honours:
- RGC Senior Research Fellow (2023)
- Gold Medal at The International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (2021)
- Second-class Award in Natural Sciences from the Ministry of Education of China (2021)
- Chang Jiang Scholar Chair Professorship (2016)
Project Title (只提供英文版)
- Green and Low-Carbon Urban Development in the Greater Bay Area: Spatial Pathways Contributing towards Carbon Neutrality
黃教授曾獲得享有盛譽的長江講座教授(2016)稱號和多項獎項,包括2021年日內瓦國際發明展金獎和2023年CPGIS創新獎。 他在時空衛星圖像融合方面的傑出工作還使他於2021年獲得中國教育部自然科學二等獎。