Biography (只提供英文版)
- Professor in Department of Materials Science & Engineering at City University of Hong Kong
- Research interests include aqueous electrolyte batteries, zinc batteries, solid-state batteries, flexible energy storage, catalysts for sustainable development
- SRFS project – to demonstrate a visionary approach to energy storage. His proposal for ultra-long-lasting zinc batteries has the potential to offer a sustainable, stable, and cost-effective solution to large scale energy storage
- Awards and Honours:
- RGC Senior Research Fellow (2023)
- Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher in Material Science (2019-2022)
- NML Researcher Award (2018)
Project Title (只提供英文版)
- Lean-water Hydrogel/Solid Polymer Hybrid Electrolytes Based Quasi-solid-state Zinc Batteries with >20000 Cycling Lifespan for Energy Storage
支春義教授的專業涵蓋水系電池、鋅離子電池、柔性電存儲和可持續發展催化劑。他的發表記錄超過450篇論文,獲得超過100項專利。此外,支春義教授擔任Nano Research Energy創刊主編和Materials Research Letter在功能材料方向的主編。他還是香港青年科學院成員、皇家化學學會會士,並且被列為Clarivate高被引研究員(2019-2022,材料科學)。