- Chair Professor and Dr William M W Mong Professor of Nanoscience in Department of Physics at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Research focus on the theoretical studies of possible topological states in correlated or non-equilibrium realistic material systems
- SRFS project — to examine three subjects related to strongly correlated and non-equilibrium topological states. 1) Addressing Landau Parameters in Topological Semi-Metals, Dr Dai aim to analyze chiral zero sound acoustic waves in these semi-metals using first-principle calculations. For materials with moderate correlation, Dr Dai'll employ a linear response theory rooted in density functional theory. For strongly correlated materials, the Gutzwiller variational method will compute susceptibility, leading to the Landau parameters. 2) Turning to 2D Moire Super-Lattice Systems, especially twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD), Dr Dai has modeled TBG's electronic properties, emphasizing its correlated and topological aspects. Leveraging pseudo zeroth Landau levels, the model will elucidate TBG's phase diagram, accounting for temperature, filling, and interaction strength. 3) Dr Dai'll probe Topological Many-Body Floquet States, focusing on 2D Moire superlattice systems like twisted multi-layer graphene or TMD under a robust periodic electric field.
- Awards and Honours:
- RGC Senior Research Fellow (2023)
- James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials (2019)
- Fellow of American Physical Society (2019)
Project Title(只提供英文版)
- Searching for New Topological Matter in Correlated and Non-equilibrium Systems
香港研究資助局很高興授予戴希教授「高級研究學者」名銜,以表彰他在凝聚態物理學和拓撲材料領域所作的開創性和革命性貢獻。戴希教授在Bi2Se3材料家族的開創性工作中,如他的論文[Nature Physics 5, 438, (2009) ]所揭示的,爲理解Z2拓撲絕緣體的研究鋪平了道路,這一研究領域已獲得了全球的讚譽,並在量子材料研究中佔據了基礎地位。
作爲凝聚態物理領域中富有遠見的研究者,戴希教授進一步預言了在磁性摻雜的Bi2Se3或Bi2Te3薄膜中實現量子反常霍爾效應(QAHE)的潜力,這一預測後來在2013年得到了實驗證實[Science 329, 61, (2010)]。 這一發現標誌著量子霍爾效應研究中的重大進展。
在此後的研究工作中,戴希教授進一步預測了一系列的拓撲半金屬,包括首次實驗證實的Na3Bi Dirac半金屬、TaAs Weyl半金屬家族和type II Weyl半金屬WTe2,促進了量子拓撲材料的研究。 此外,他對Weyl和Dirac半金屬中的手性磁效應的深入見解,預言了場誘導的光學活性和熱導率中的巨大量子振蕩等獨特現象,對實驗研究起到了關鍵的啓發作用。