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Biography (只提供英文版)

  • Associate Professor in Department of Biomedical Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Research interests include nanomedicine, “bio-nano” interactions and non-cationic bionanomaterials
  • RFS project - to elevate the biomedical impact of microRNA nanostructures for managing cardiovascular diseases in large animals, including plaque-bearing rabbit models and pig models with myocardial infarction. This project will offer important insights into the bio-nano interactions, efficacy, and safety of nucleic acid nanostructures for clinical translation
  • Awards and Honours:
    • RGC Research Fellow (2023)
    • Croucher Innovation Award (2016)
    • AIChE Bionanotechnology Graduate Student Award (2010)

Project Title (只提供英文版)

  • Preclinical Translation of Spherical Nucleic Acid Nanostructures for Managing Cardiovascular Diseases


蔡宗衡博士是香港中文大學(中大)生物醫學工程(BME)學系副教授兼副系主任(本科)及生命科學學院副教授(禮任)。蔡博士在香港土生土長,2013年回港開展獨立學術生涯,建立本港第一所專研體內納米藥物遞送和「生物-納米相互作用」的實驗室。曾入圍2023年ACS Nano影響獎(全球1位得主及4名入圍者),獲頒2019年香港工程師學會最佳材料論文及2016年裘槎前瞻科研大獎。他於2017年共同創建中大BME學系,乃本港首個BME學系。於2018-2021年擔任中大工程學院助理院長(學生事務),鼓勵本地學生追求STEM領域的教育和職業。

