- Sir Sze-yuen Chung Endowed Professor in Renewable Energy in Department of Electronic and Information Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Research interest is in Printable solar cells - organic polymer solar cells (OSCs), and hybrid perovskite solar cells (PSCs), focuses on tackling the key challenges in these two advanced solar cell technologies
- SRFS project — to propose systematic materials and device structure investigation of new photoactive materials, stable transport materials, innovative ternary OSC active layer engineering, novel approach for transparent OSC, and printing technology, which will significantly push forward the OSC technology in the aspects of high efficiency, operation stability, compatibility with unique applications, and being printing friendly
- Awards and Honours:
- RGC Senior Research Fellow (2022)
- Fellow of Optica (2021)
- Fellow of The International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) (2019)
Project Title
- Printable Organic Solar Cells: Materials and Device Investigations towards Applications
Award Citation
The RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS) project “Printable Organic Solar Cells: Materials and Device Investigations towards Applications” is awarded to Prof. Gang Li, based on his seminal and sustained contributions to the field of organic solar cells. Prof. Gang Li is Sir Sze-yuen Chung Endowed Professor in Renewable Energy in the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Associate Director of Research Institute of Smart Energy (RISE) in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Joint Director of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint Laboratory for Photonic-Thermal-Electrical Energy Materials and Devices.
He obtained his BS degree from Wuhan University (China), MS in Electrical Engineering and PhD in Condensed Matter Physics from Iowa State University (US), respectively. He was VP of Solarmer Energy Inc., Postdoc fellow and research professor in UCLA before came to Hong Kong in 2016. His research interests are the materials, device engineering and device physics in organic semiconductors and hybrid perovskite semiconductors, focusing on energy applications. He has published ~200 peer reviewed articles, with ~ 72,000 citations, H-index of 80 (Google Scholar), and 20 papers being cited over 1000 times. He is elected Fellows of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), The International Society for Optics and Photonic (FSPIE) and Optica (former Optical Society of America). He has been a prestigious Web of Science Highly Cited Researchers since 2014 to 2022, across the categories of Materials Science, Physics and Chemistry. He is associate editor of Journal of Photonic Energy, editorial board member of Journal of Energy Chemistry. He is the current Chair of SPIE Organic, Hybrid and Perovskite Photovoltaics (OHPV) conference.
Short video of awardee