The Standard: RGC funding supports innovative work of researchers to strengthen HK's role as knowledge hub (04.12.2024)
Ming Pao: 研資局高級研究學者計劃 推動香港科研邁向世界前沿 (27.11.2024) (Chinese Version Only)
Sing Tao Daily: 研資局高級研究學者計劃 / 研資局研究學者計劃 資助傑出學者 研究推動可持續綠色未來 (20.11.2024) (Chinese Version Only)
2024 UGC Teaching Award commends teaching excellence
The University Grants Committee (UGC) held a presentation ceremony for the 2024 UGC Teaching Award today (September 27) to honour academics from the UGC-funded universities for their outstanding teaching performances and achievements, as well as their leadership and scholarly contributions to teaching and learning within and outside their campuses.
Ming Pao: 教資會及研資局鼎力支持 助年輕學者閃耀學術舞台 (17.09.2024) (Chinese Version Only)
SCMP: RGC funding fuels innovation and nurtures young research talents in Hong Kong (10.09.2024)
2023 UGC Teaching Award commends teaching excellence
The University Grants Committee (UGC) held a presentation ceremony for the 2023 UGC Teaching Award today (September 27) to honour academics from the UGC-funded universities for their outstanding teaching performances and achievements, as well as their leadership and scholarly contributions to teaching and learning within and outside their campuses.
教資會傑出教學獎 表彰卓越典範 推廣優質教學 (8.11.2022) (Chinese Version Only)