HKEJ:「研資局研究學者計劃」及「研資局高級研究學者計劃」 推進癌症精準療法 促進學生學習成效 (22.01.2025) (Chinese Version Only)

HKET: 研資局設兩大資助計劃 為相關優秀學者開展學術研究鋪路 (15.01.2025) (Chinese Version Only)

The Standard: RGC funding supports innovative work of researchers to strengthen HK's role as knowledge hub (04.12.2024)

Ming Pao: 研資局高級研究學者計劃 推動香港科研邁向世界前沿 (27.11.2024) (Chinese Version Only)

Sing Tao Daily: 研資局高級研究學者計劃 / 研資局研究學者計劃 資助傑出學者 研究推動可持續綠色未來 (20.11.2024) (Chinese Version Only)
RGC commends outstanding research academics in Hong Kong

2024 UGC Teaching Award commends teaching excellence
The University Grants Committee (UGC) held a presentation ceremony for the 2024 UGC Teaching Award today (September 27) to honour academics from the UGC-funded universities for their outstanding teaching performances and achievements, as well as their leadership and scholarly contributions to teaching and learning within and outside their campuses.

Ming Pao: 教資會及研資局鼎力支持 助年輕學者閃耀學術舞台 (17.09.2024) (Chinese Version Only)