Biography (只提供英文版)
- Choh-Ming Li Professor of Psychology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- A developmental psychologist whose research focuses primarily on literacy development and impairment across cultures, with current interests centering on identifying optimal predictors of dyslexia by incorporating behavioral, neuroscience, and genetics approaches
- Has authored two books — Children’s Literacy Development (2016); Coping with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and ADHD: A Global Perspective (2019); has authored approximately 250 journal articles, with over 20,000 citations in google scholar
- SRFS project — to test newly identified correlates of Chinese and English literacy longitudinally, for optimizing early identification of risk for reading impairment in both Chinese and English across Chinese-speaking societies, and further test the neural signatures and genetics of the targeted, specific behavioral correlates as well as basic, potentially universal processes in both Chinese and English
- Awards and Honours:
- RGC Senior Research Fellow (2021)
- Founding President of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia
- Senior Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study in Europe (EURIAS) (2017 – 2018)
- President, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (2012)
Project Title (只提供英文版)
- Optimizing Predictions of Dyslexia Cross-Culturally: Chinese and English Compared
Catherine McBride 是一位主要研究跨文化讀寫能力發展與障礙的發展心理學家。她目前的研究興趣是透過結合行為、神經科學和遺傳學方法識別讀寫障礙的最佳預測因素。McBride是香港中文大學心理學系卓敏心理學講座教授。她曾擔任國際閱讀科學研究協會主席和亞洲讀寫協會創始主席。目前她是國際閱讀障礙協會科學顧問委員會,和兒童發展研究學會出版委員會的成員。
McBride 曾撰寫Children’ s Literacy Development(2016)和Coping with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and ADHD: A Global Perspective(2019)兩本書,並編輯了四本與讀寫學習相關的書。她撰寫了大約 250篇期刊文章,被引用超過20,000次,也曾擔任四份不同學術期刊的副主編。
McBride的研究帶來一些實際影響。例如,她與World Learning組織合作創建名為Teaching Struggling Readers around the World 的開放在線課程,在 100 個國家有10,000人次觀看。她的研究還為《香港讀寫障礙及早識別量表》奠定基礎。她還與Arcanys 基金會開展教導菲律賓父母如何提升孩子早期讀寫和數學技能的項目。她與同事創辦公司(開彥教育設計有限公司),致力於測試和培訓讀寫技能。
McBride 於 2019 年榮獲中大社會科學學院頒發的研究指導獎。她曾指導來自世界各地的16 名博士生和若干碩士生。她的學生們都在研究事業上取得成功。