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  • Program Director of Biomedical Engineering Program at The University of Hong Kong
  • Founding Member of the Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences
  • At least six patents (five are US patents)
  • RFS project — to develop a new imaging cytometry platform that captures 3D images of biological cells at high throughput (up to 10,000 cells for every second), and analyses their properties by deep learning at single cell precision. This technology could lay a new foundation of uncovering the salient biomarkers of cells and ultimately usher in a new paradigm in intelligent label-free diagnostics 
  • Awards and Honours:
    • RGC Research Fellow (2020)
    • 14th Chinese Science and Technology Award for Young Scientists (2016)
    • RGC Early Career Award (2012)

Project Title

  • Intelligent 3D Imaging Cytometer for Scalable and Hierarchical Single-cell Spatial Profiling