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  • Associate/Managing Editor for Materials Today, Acta Mechanica Sinica, and Science China Technological Sciences
  • Research focus on nanomechanics and its applications in nanotechnology and advanced manufacturing
  • Make major contributions in the discoveries of “cold welding” phenomenon in ultrathin metallic nanowires and “ultra-large elasticity” in nanoscale silicon and diamond, respectively
  • RFS project — to conduct nanomechanical investigations on a few representative pure and compound covalent crystal solids to explore their deformation behaviour at the nanoscale, which will allow us to theoretically and experimentally identify a few “strain-tuned” covalent crystals with exotic, highly tunable functional properties towards unconventional electronic, optoelectronic and spintronic device applications
  • Awards and Honours:
    • RGC Research Fellow (2020)
    • RGC Early Career Award (2013)

Project Title

  • Nanomechanics of Covalent Crystals and their Elastic Strain Engineering