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Biography (只提供英文版)

  • Associate Professor in the Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health at Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Research interest is physical activity and sedentary behaviour for children, with a focus on understanding the determinants of behaviours, associations between behaviours and health outcomes, and effective approaches for intervening on behaviours
  • RFS project - to develop a first holistic Report Card on active healthy lifestyle for children under 5 years of age and evaluate its immediate impacts based on a knowledge translation model adapted from the Active Health Kids Global Alliance
  • Awards and Honours:
    • RGC Research Fellow (2023)
    • Health and Medical Research Fund Research Fellowship (2017)
    • Hong Kong Scotland Partners of Post Doctoral Research Fellowship (2012)

Project Title (只提供英文版)

  • Power the Movement to Get Kids Moving: Development and Evaluation of a Report Card on Active Healthy Lifestyle for the Early Years




黄博士曾获研资局“香港与苏格兰合作博士后研究计划”及医务卫生局“医疗卫生研究基金 - 研究奖学金计划”资助。作为“健康活力环球联盟”成员之一的“香港健康活力儿童计划”的共同负责人,黄博士一直致力推动儿童青少年健康活跃的生活方式。由黄博士领导的这个研资局研究学者项目,将建立首个针对五岁及以下幼儿的健康活跃行为报告卡,并首次针对二十四小时的行为习惯 (包括体力活动,屏幕时间和睡眠)进行评估。

