- Professor in Department of Applied Social Sciences at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Research interests include partner violence, child abuse and neglect, disadvantaged children with poverty and disability, and internal migration in the Chinese mainland
- SRFS project — to be conducted in five East Asian cities, namely Hong Kong, Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul, and Taipei. The primary research question is whether social policy, health and social services are ready to handle family poly-victimization. The approach of this project is holistic and family-based, enabling the understanding of family poly-victimization, of which victims are at higher risk
- Awards and Honours:
- RGC Senior Research Fellow (2022)
- Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship (2016)
- Senior Scholar Award, RGC-Fulbright Hong Kong Research Scholar Program (2013)
Project Title
- Family Polyvictimization and Social Policy Responses in East Asian Societies
陳高凌教授是富布萊特學者(Fulbright Scholar)。他致力於通過開展重大影響力的社會研究來預防家庭暴力。陳教授既是國際上家庭暴力研究領域的領軍人物,也是全球首位研究家庭多重受害的學者。他的主要研究方向包括兒童及家庭多重受害,貧窮與殘疾困境下的兒童以及中國流動人口研究。
陳教授憑著嚴謹的科研態度和一腔學術熱忱之心獲得2022年研資局頒發的「高級研究學者」殊榮。此外,他於2013-14 年度獲得「研資局 – 富布萊特(香港)學人計劃」高級學者榮譽,並於2016 年榮獲研資局頒發的「人文學及社會科學傑出學者計劃」。陳教授的研究深受國際學界的肯定,被提名成為首位入選美國專業健康協會「暴力與虐待研究學會」董事會的社會工作學者,並曾受聘為日本東京大學及韓國延世大學榮譽教授。