Biography (只提供英文版)
- Director, QICi Quantum Computation and Information Initiative at The University of Hong Kong
- Internationally known for contributions to the theory of quantum networks, quantum statistics, and the foundations of quantum mechanics
- SRFS project — to design new algorithms for discovering cause-effect relations at the quantum scale, to develop a fully quantum theory of causal discovery, and to explore its application to the design of intelligent quantum machines capable of identifying cause-effect relations at the quantum scale
- Awards and Honours:
- RGC Senior Research Fellow (2020)
- Croucher Senior Research Fellow (2018)
- CIFAR-Azrieli Global Scholar (2016)
- Tsinghua University Excellent Young Teacher Award (2015)
- Hermann Weyl Prize (2010)
Project Title (只提供英文版)
- Quantum Causal Discovery and the Foundations of Quantum Artificial Intelligence
Giulio Chiribella教授是香港大學計算機科學系的量子物理學家。他的研究領域是量子信息科學,橫跨計算機科學,物理學和工程學等領域。
Chiribella教授以對量子網絡理論,量子統計和量子基礎理論的貢獻而聞名國際。 2010年,他被授予著名的赫爾曼·外爾獎,以表彰他在量子信息理論中的開拓性工作。後來,他被授予中國的千人計劃獎(2012),CIFAR-Azrieli國際學者獎(2016)和裘槎優秀科研者獎(2018)。